Wednesday, October 6, 2010

"Please Let Our Family Mourn In Peace"

     Hello Peeps!  It is "Hump Day" and this ole boy needs to write several blogs.  I was in KC this past weekend therefore I thought I would do some reading from the Kansas City Star.  I am going to tackle a big fish today.  This story came from an article written by Laura Bauer.
     It is in regards to Snyder vs Phelps.  The Supreme Court on this very day is taking a look at a situation that got ugly.  It all began when a 20 year old Marine died in the line of duty in Iraq back in the year 2006.  He was laid to rest in the Westminister, MD cemetary.
     On the day of the funeral,, seven picketers from a Topeka, KS church stood 1000 feet from the graveyard and demeaned, harassed, and destroyed the ceremony.  This all came about because the young marine was gay.  The protestors come from a church that believe God killed them as punishment for being gay.  They were claiming free speech.  They initially lost a lawsuit to the tune of 11 million.  During the appeal process, it was overturned stating that the group is protected under the First Amendment.
     So where do you feel the line should be drawn?  They do have the right to free speech but do they have the right to hold up signs, scream and yell, and harass a family that is grieving?  I feel that the Supreme Court should come down hard on the protestors as well as the church that they were representing.  There is a time and a place for everything but not on that particular day at that particular time in that particular location.

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