Thursday, November 11, 2010

Peaking Beyond Age 50

     Greeting y'all! I must admit that I have had a hidden agenda. I have now written 10 blogs from 10 separate publications. This week I visited They have put together a list of the top 10 people who didn't make it big until after the age of  50. I will not cover them all because President Ronald Reagan is listed at number 10. Of course he was a somewhat popular actor as a young man therefore I consider him as having made it much younger in life.
     Edmond Hoyle was 70 years when he wrote the rules for a wide variety of card games. His name is synonymous with a deck of cards. I am sure everyone knows Colonel Sanders. He was operating a small restaurant when they built an interstate seven miles away from his city. This took away traffic and his business declined. He went to work on perfecting spices and cooking techniques and then opened what would be the first of the KFC franchises. Sanders was 65 years old when he got this idea.
     Laura Ingalls Wilder who penned, Little House on the Praire, didn't publish her first novel until the age of 65. The police use a weapon to incapacitate individuals who are wanting to fight during questioning or arrest. This device known as a taser gun was invented by Jack Cover in 1970 at the age of 50. It wasn't used by a police department for another 10 years when the LAPD purchased a shipment. When he passed away at the age of 88, his product was used in some 45 countries around the world.

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